
China’s escalating troubles


Inflation rates are one important indicator of the general health and condition of a country’s economy. Here in the U.S. there’s plenty of complaints about our current inflation but compared with other countries, remarkably, we are in a better place than most at 3.2%. Others?


Cookies! Yeah, I like oatmeal and chocolate chip and sugar, and … well, that’s not the kind of cookies I’m talking about this time. No, this time I’m talking about the cookies on your computer (or phone or tablet). What are they and why are they used? Are they dangerous?

Things today’s kids are missing


Yeah, I know. Another old guy yammering about the old days. Well, it’s my site and I can yammer all I want. You ain’t the boss of me. I wrote about the pros and cons of technology in my critically acclaimed work “The Pros and Cons of Technology”, and a lot of what you’re about to read relates to that.

Local newspapers: Staying alive


According to the Madill School of Journalism (MSJ) at Northwestern University, 2,500 local newspapers have gone under, about one-quarter of all local papers, since 2005.

High heels and papers flying


Don’t let the shy look fool you.

The language of politics


There is a cryptic language in this world, mastered by practiced, glib and oftentimes spellbinding politicians. It’s often used to be covertly ambiguous, or to protect a politician from social backlash. George Orwell once said that the aim of political euphemisms is to protect the speaker from arousing undesirable emotions among voters. A lie for example can simply be dismissed as an “alternative truth.” America has no poor people, just “economically disadvantaged.” Human induced climate change doesn’t exist, it’s just “a natural cycle.”

My take on back to school


I got into a little back-and-forth the other day with a couple of teachers who were moaning about school starting, and I was basically just making fun of them for complaining about what they do for a living. In the end I threatened them with this blog. So hey, I gotta follow through, right? I can’t go back on my word.

Should you go paperless?


You’ve undoubtedly gotten email from your bank or financial institution encouraging you to go paperless. Today we’ll go over what that means, how to prepare for it, and how to deal with those paperless statements.

The trials of the century?


Former president Donald Trump has been charged with 91 felonies in four distinct jurisdictions. He remains the leading candidate in the Republican primaries for the 2024 presidential election. The first Republican primary debate is this Wednesday.

Maybe things aren’t so bad


Everywhere I turn I see doomsayers.