Hillsboro kindergarten registration


Children living in the Hillsboro City School District who be 5 years of age on or before Aug. 1, 2024, are eligible to enroll in kindergarten. Children who will be 6 years of age on or before Aug. 1, 2024, must be enrolled in school under Ohio law.

The registration process begins with entering all information on Finals Forms prior to June 6, 2024. Items that need to be uploaded to school district’s the Final Forms platform include: certified copy of child’s birth certificate, social security card, proof of residency (current utility bill with name and address), and parent’s driver’s license, customary papers (if applicable). Completing online registration prior to June 6, 2024, will expedite the registration process. However, if you are unable to complete online registration, bring all documentation on June 6.

If you already have other children registered in the district follow these instructions:

1. Click this line: Kindergarten Registration;

2. Select parent log in — do not select new account;

3. Select the blue box — clock to switch to 2024-2025 registration.

If you do not have children in the school district, follow the following directions:

1. Click this ling: Kindergarten Registration;

2. Select New Account;

3. Select the blue box — clock to switch to 2024-2025 registration.

In person registration will be held Thursday, June 6 at Hillsboro Elementary School. Registration will be open from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to register those children who last names beginning with the letters A-L; and from 1-3:30 p.m. for those with last names beginning in M-Z. In person registration includes dental, vision, speech and hearing evaluations and the health department to provide immunizations.

State law requires that no pupil shall be admitted to school at the time of initial entry unless the child has been immunized against polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), hepatitis B. and varicella (chicken pox). All students entering kindergarten must receive two doses of the vericella vaccine or present written documentation by a doctor or parent stating when the child had the disease.

It is extremely important to have all eligible children register now in order to plan for kindergarten classes next school year. If you have any questions call the Hillsboro Elementary Early Childhood Center at 937-393-3132.

Submitted by Debora K. Couch, secretary, Hillsboro Early Childhood Center.

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